
The Journal of Pastoral Practice: Volume 9, Number 1, 1987 is unavailable, but you can change that!

For nearly 30 years, the Journal of Biblical Counseling (previously the Journal of Pastoral Practice) of CCEF (the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation) has provided a forum for biblical counseling’s development and application. The journal’s mission is to develop clear thinking and effective practice in biblical counseling through articles that faithfully bring the God of truth,...

thus violates biblical teaching. He is more concerned about his wife’s responsibilities than his own—which is to satisfy her. In contrast to the sex-is-bad concept are those who make good sex the key to a good marriage. One Christian author made the following statement: “God created this one-flesh experience to be the most intense height of physical intimacy and the most profound depth of spiritual oneness between husband and wife.”3 Thus the sexual relationship is made the basis for a good marriage.
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